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Dining Tutorials . . .


If you think it's nice, but not necessary to know the rules of Business Dining Etiquette, consider this . . .


    Five Star Restaurant, 12:30 p.m. The Senior Vice-President of Sales has asked

    you to join him to discuss matters over lunch. You've been nursing this deal for

    months and this lunch could clinch it for you. 12:45 p.m. The menus are down

    and you're ready to order. Do you wait for him to pass you the rolls or do you

    start yourself? What's the proper way to butter a roll anyway? Do you cut it in

    half and butter the entire roll or do you butter it one bite at a time? You order

    the Salmon. Which knife is the right one to use? You're not sure. Maybe the

    senior Vice-President won't notice your mistake. Or perhaps he does not know



Business Dining


A lack of confidence when conducting business over meals, whether at home or abroad might cost you the deal or that long awaited promotion. Informed dining skills are an important component of a polished professional and give you the competitive edge.


Fine Dining


Navigating one's way through a formal place setting can be intimidating. Knowing how to conduct oneself at a formal affair with ease and comfort will make what was once difficult and perhaps even embarassing an enjoyable fine dining experience. 


Family Dining


          “ …etiquette consultant Nicole DeVault will do what most parents feel

they can’t: make their children lose their prehistoric ways at the dinner table.”


                                                                                                                            NEW YORK DAILY NEWS


Teaching children good manners is an important way of getting them ready for the world. But good manners must not be self-conscious. They must be started early enough to become automatic.


Customized Tutorials


Elements of Dining Tutorials May Include . . .


-American and Continental Style of Dining


-Being Served and Serving Yourself

-Body Language at the Table

-Breaking Bread

-Business Dining

-Business Cocktail Party

-Difficult to Eat Foods

-Do's and Don'ts of Dining

-Eating Various Foods

-Forms of Service

-Hands on Dining Tutorial

-Hiring Help and Caterers

-Host/Hostess Duties and Guest Duties

-International Dining




-Setting the Table

-Silverware, China and Crystal

-Social Cocktail Party

-Social Dining

-Table Manners

-The Buffet

-The Formal Dinner

-The Guest List

-The Menu

-The Silent Service Code







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