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 About . . .

Nicole DeVaultM.S.Ed.


Urban & Multicultural Education

Nicole DeVault, a certified Etiquette and Protocol Consultant received her diploma from the Protocol School of Washington, in Washington D.C., under the direction of Dorothea Johnson, and holds a M.S. in Urban and Multicultural Education. Her programs for children, teens and adults offer etiquette for the 21st century in both the business and social arena. Ms. DeVault served as the Etiquette and Protocol Consultant at the Plaza Hotel, in New York City for several years. She received a commemorative award for her expertise, from former Mayor Rudy Giuliani for her contributions to the internationally acclaimed program, Week without Violence. Ms. DeVault has been interviewed and featured in numerous newspaper and magazine publications, internet articles, as well as, appearances on television and radio. A highly respected educator and presenter for over twenty years, Ms. DeVault is the winner of the 2014 Blackboard Awards for teachers, in recognition of her outstanding work for New York City students. Academic research, extensive travels and years living abroad have brought her in contact with many diverse cultures and customs. Her seminars, lectures and workshops have been praised in both the for-profit and nonprofit sector. Ms. DeVault believes that we all value the person who is polite and simply knows how to make others feel good. This is what etiquette is really all about.

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